Monday, October 29, 2018

Remembering Dolores

Withington's shared a picture today on Facebook of Dolores Smith, who passed away.  The post said simply, "Our beautiful Dolores." I'd like to share a story about her kindness to me.

Many years ago I called Withington's to see if I could drive down to document the Izannah dolls they had coming up for auction. Dolores Smith answered the phone. I mentioned the fabulous Ella Izannah doll which had recently sold at Withington's. I said wistfully, "I WISH I had been able to see the fabulous Ella, but life didn't allow. Is there any chance you could pass information along to the new owner of the doll with my contact information?" 

Dolores answered, "I know the person who owns that Izannah very well. I think she could be persuaded to let me bring the Izannah in for when you come."

I asked a photographer friend to come along on the trip. We went up the night before, because it is a four hour drive. When we got there, Dolores and Larry had set up a room with the Three Izannah's. They let me have carte blanche with taking pictures. Dolores offered to remove the clothing from Ella, so that the bodies of two Izannah's could be studied side by side. Ella's undergarments had never been removed.

Anyway, I was able to share  images on the Izannah Walker Chronicles of the wonderful Ella doll. And beyond that, because of Dolores, doll makers all over the world have studied Ella in emulating Izannah's work. Dolores' kindness is in each of those resulting works. Rest in peace, Dolores. 

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